RapidoReach Publisher API Guide
Reconcialation Report API​
Method: GET
URL: http://www.rapidoreach.com/api/v1/reconciliations/{{publisher_id}}/{{app_id}}?key={{app_api_key}}&limit=3&skip=2
publisher_id: Publisher User id
app_id: App id
: API Key generated for an app. It can be found on publisher portal
: it is a number of records to fetch in one query request. It is limited to maximum 500 records for performance reasons
: Number of records to be skipped.
For example there are total 350 records are available. You can then fetch it as follows
set skip = 0 and limit = 100 -> it will show first 100 records
set skip = 100 and limit 100 -> to get another set of 100 records
set skip = 200 and limit 100 -> to get another set of 100 records
set skip = 300 and limit 100 -> to get another set of 50 records
At this point records retrieved (50) are less than requested (limit = 100) hence there are no more records are available to fetch
Records the total number of records retrived it skip (300) + final call records (50) = 350 in total
Store this number in your system​
Next time start from this number and retrieve from 350 ie skip = 350
set skip = 350 and limit 100 and so on