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API Endpoint


This API endpoint allows you to fetch the top RapidoReach surveys for a given user in real time.




X-RapidoReach-Api-KeyAuthentication API Key (App key can be found from app credentials page)true


Endpoint accepts a range of parameters provided in body of on the request.

Root parameters​

UserIdUnique user identifiertrue
AppIdApp Id of placement defined in Publisher dashboardtrue
IpAddressIP address of the usertrue
CityCity of the usertrue
CountryLanguageCodeCountryLanguageCode of the user eg: ENG-US, ENG-IN etc See list of supported languages.true
DateOfBirthUser's date of birthfalse
GenderUser's gender (M for male and F for Female)false
ZipCodeUser's correct and validated zipcodefalse



curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-RapidoReach-Api-Key: a70f2d8c5a69b7d359fafdf7b4a09g56' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"UserId": "someUserIdofYourApp",
"AppId": "X2Qz4ddj1",
"IpAddress": "",
"City": "New york",
"CountryLanguageCode": "ENG-US",
"DateOfBirth": "1993-01-21",
"Gender": "M",
"ZipCode": "11111"

Success model​

Successful response is a JSON array of survey objects with the properties given below.

SurveyNumberstringId of the surveytrue
SurveyUrlstringSurvey entry link for the user. See Survey entry link section for more details.true
RewarddecimalReward in partner defined currencytrue
LOIdecimalLength of interview (minutes)true
MatchingPercentageintegerConversion rate (%)true
vc_nameintegerpartner defined currencytrue

Error model​

Error response is a JSON object with the properties given below.

ErrorsarrayAPI errors in array it includes a list of all possible error messagesfalse
Infoarrayany other info descriptionfalse
Dataarray of objectsError messages providing further error detailsfalse
ErrorCodestringError codetrue


Success (200) Bad Request (400) Internal Server Error (500)

"ProvidedBy": "Google",
"Reward": 59,
"SurveyNumber": "37146073",
"vc_name": "CB1234",
"CPI": 1.18,
"LOI": 10,
"Link": "/surveylink/create/YOURSURVEYS/37146073?i=63f1f51e59c927d429b1730b&enc=9d1ea09722600c0395d70ba621a9c3cbb3d9b18b",
"Survey": {
"BidLengthOfInterview": 10,
"SurveyName": "Other study"
"MatchingPercentage": 100,
"SurveyUrl": ""
"ProvidedBy": "Apple",
"Reward": 94,
"SurveyNumber": "37146770",
"vc_name": "CB1234",
"CPI": 1.88,
"LOI": 20,
"Link": "/surveylink/create/YOURSURVEYS/37146770?i=63f1f51e59c927d429b1730b&enc=fefb47ac5b6e4ff07411888282cd318e4e2d0596",
"Survey": {
"BidLengthOfInterview": 20,
"SurveyName": "Let us know what you think"
"MatchingPercentage": 100,
"SurveyUrl": ""
// ...

Pass User Profile Data​

Profiler data parameters represent user answers for given questions used as survey qualifications. You do not have to pass these, as we will collect this data as needed. If you would like to initially pass data for a user, please see the full list of profiler data parameters to get all supported parameters and their value options per language.


All profiler data parameters other than the ones listed as required above are optional and can be omitted in the request.