RapidoReach Android Integration Guide
Get Your API Key​
Sign-up for a new developer account and create a new Android app here and copy your API Key.
Download the SDK​
Download the latest version of the Android SDK here. Add the RapidoReach-1.0.0.aar file to your projects "libs" folder.
Update your module's build.gradle file​
Include the rapidoreach.aar, Google Play Services and androidx.appcompat in your build.gradle file. A Google Advertising ID helps us serve offers and surveys so we recommend adding the Google Play Services SDK
to your project. Be sure your minSdkVersion
is set to at least 16.
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 16
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0'
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:20.0.0'
implementation (name: 'RapidoReach-1.0.0', ext: 'aar')
Update your projects's build.gradle file​
Ensure that your project has access to the 'libs' file by including the following in your project level build.gradle file.
allprojects {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
If you use proguard in your app. Be sure to add this line to your rules file:
-keep class rapidoreach.com.** { *; }
Import SDK in your android activity (MainActivity.java)​
import com.rapidoreach.rapidoreachsdk.RapidoReach;
import com.rapidoreach.rapidoreachsdk.RapidoReachRewardListener;
import com.rapidoreach.rapidoreachsdk.RapidoReachSurveyAvailableListener;
import com.rapidoreach.rapidoreachsdk.RapidoReachSurveyListener;
Implement interfaces and methods (MainActivity.java)​
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements RapidoReachRewardListener, RapidoReachSurveyListener, RapidoReachSurveyAvailableListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onReward(int i) {
public void rapidoReachSurveyAvailable(boolean b) {
public void onRewardCenterClosed() {
public void onRewardCenterOpened() {
Initialize RapidoReach​
In your activity overwrite the onCreate() method and initialize the RapidoReach SDK with the initWithApiKeyAndUserIdAndActivityContext
call. And implement the RapidoReach onPause() and onResume() calls. Replace the YOUR_API_TOKEN
with the actual api key found on your app. Replace YOUR_USER_ID
with your unique ID for your appuser. If you do not have a unique user ID we recommend just using their Google Advertising ID (GPS_ID)
//initialize RapidoReach
RapidoReach.initWithApiKeyAndUserIdAndActivityContext(`YOUR_API_TOKEN`, `YOUR_USER_ID`, this);
//customize navigation header
RapidoReach.getInstance().setNavigationBarText("Demo App");
//set reward and survey status listeners
Reward Center​
Next, in your activity, implement the logic to display the reward center. Call the showRewardCenter method when you are ready to the send the user into the reward center where they can complete surveys in exchange for your virtual currency. We automatically convert the amount of currency a user gets based on the conversion rate specified in your app.
Button btn = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);
btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Log.d(TAG, "Button is clicked");
if (RapidoReach.getInstance().isSurveyAvailable()) {
Reward Callback​
To ensure safety and privacy, we notify you of all awards via a server side callback. In the developer dashboard for your App add the server callback that we should call to notify you when a user has completed an offer. Note the user ID pass into the initialize call will be returned to you in the server side callback. More information about setting up the callback can be found in the developer dashboard.
The quantity value will automatically be converted to your virtual currency based on the exchange rate you specified in your app. Currency is always rounded in favor of the app user to improve happiness and engagement.
Client Side Award Callback​
For security purposes we always recommend that developers utilize a server side callback, however we also provide APIs for implementing a client side award notification if you lack the server structure or a server altogether or want more real-time award notification. It's important to only award the user once if you use both server and client callbacks (though your users may not be opposed!).
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements RapidoReachRewardListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// initialize RapidoReach
RapidoReach.initWithApiKeyAndUserIdAndActivityContext("YOUR_API_TOKEN", "YOUR_USER_ID", "YOUR_ACTIVITY");
// set RapidoReach client-side reward listener
// implement callback for award notification
public void onReward(int i) {
Log.d(TAG, "onReward: " + i);
Reward Center Events​
You can optionally listen for the onRewardCenterOpened and onRewardCenterClosed events by implementing the RapidoReachSurveyListener
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements RapidoReachSurveyListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// initialize RapidoReach
RapidoReach.initWithApiKeyAndUserIdAndActivityContext("YOUR_API_TOKEN", "YOUR_USER_ID", "YOUR_ACTIVITY");
// set RapidoReach survey event listener
// reward center opened. time to start earning content!
public void onRewardCenterOpened() {
Log.d(TAG, "onRewardCenterOpened");
// reward center closed. restart music/app.
public void onRewardCenterClosed() {
Log.d(TAG, "onRewardCenterClosed");
Survey Available Callback​
If you'd like to be notified when a survey is available you can add a listener:
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements RapidoReachSurveyAvailableListener {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// initialize RapidoReach
RapidoReach.initWithApiKeyAndUserIdAndActivityContext("YOUR_API_TOKEN", "YOUR_USER_ID", "YOUR_ACTIVITY");
// set RapidoReach survey available listener
// implement callback for survey available
public void rapidoReachSurveyAvailable(int surveyAvailable) {
Log.d(TAG, "rapidoreachSurveyAvailable: " + surveyAvailable);
Testing SDK​
When you initially create your app we automatically set your app to Test mode. While in test mode a survey will always be available. Note - be sure to set your app to Live in your dashboard before your app goes live or you won't serve any real surveys to your users!
Customizing SDK​
We provide several methods to customize the navigation bar to feel like your app.
RapidoReach.getInstance().setNavigationBarText("Demo App");